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Results for "author_first: "Thomas", author_last: "Keating""
Wisdom for Living: The Parables of Jesus An exploration of the wise and revolutionary teachings of Jesus through the lens of the parables.
Thomas Keating in Divine Therapy & Addiction It's worthwhile to question our motives, even for noble acts.
The Gift of Life A contemplative engagement with the great themes of Lent as a way of seeing, reflecting, and then living them in your own life.
Reawakenings Thomas Keating's story of faith about Jesus asleep in the boat during a storm.
The Daily Reader for Contemplative Living Thomas Keating on how God works to move us away from our egos and discusses the emotional programs that often control our lives.
Heartfulness The spiritual and theological wisdom of Father Thomas Keating conveyed through interviews with Betty Sue Flowers.
Heartfulness Thomas Keating on letting go of the idea of winning over God's love.
Finding Grace at the Center M. Basil Pennington, Thomas Keating, and Thomas E. Clarke with guidance on practicing the centering prayer form of devotion.
Active Meditations for Contemplative Prayer Thomas Keating with a sampler of quotations on the spiritual practice of silence.
The Human Condition Thomas Keating on repentance and the spiritual practice of transformation.